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Will Your DAC Approve Your Chosen Church Chairs?

St Andrews, Crewe

We often find that church wardens tasked with investigating new church chairs are doing so for the first time. With the multitude of options as well as considerations, this can be a daunting task. The task can often be complicated by the attitude of the DAC towards materials. These must then be balanced against the expectations and requirements of church goers. When submitting a faculty application, it always pays to be aware of what the DAC are likely to approve or not.

Alpha Furniture are on hand to help navigate this area of the process. The likelihood or not for a DAC to approve the church’s chosen chair ultimately depends on a variety of details, and therefore there is not simply one true church chair – though some will always receive an easier ride than others such as the Howe 40/4! Some of the details that are likely to be strong factors are:

  • The age of the church
  • The listed status of the church
  • The particular diocese you come under

There are definitely some stacking church chairs that seldom win approval. For that reason we will always talk through various options with you, and advise where we think any shortlisted chairs may not be approved based on our previous experience with your diocese. For example, plastic bucket seats which were very popular pre-2000 to provide extra flexibility and capacity will be non-starters!

How to navigate the process

At Alpha we are helping several churches at any given time, to navigate the process of submitting a chosen chair through the Faculty. There are right and wrong ways to do this.

Our range of quality stacking church chairs include models which are regularly approved, and yet are comfortable and affordable. These chairs provide all of the right options, meeting the needs of the congregation as well as the requirements from the diocese.

Jacob lightweight stacking wooden church and cathedral chairComfortable wooden church chairs from Alpha Furnishing









Our free sample trial service ensures that you can thoroughly test potential stacking church chairs before choosing the right one for you and then approaching your Diocese. We also ensure you are armed with all of the facts to back up your faculty application.