At any given time, Alpha Furniture are helping various Anglican churches with their faculty applications. This help varies from simply providing product shots or larger fabric samples, all the way to site visits and in depth conversations around the wording for the seating part of the faculty.
There are definitely right and wrong ways to approach the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee) regarding church chairs, particularly on the subject of upholstery which is often sensitive. At Alpha we can provide the information you require in order to help show you have done your research into the long-term implications of your church seating choice.
Durable and lightweight chairs that stack efficiently are fortunately both the preference of most DACs in general and are the preferred choice of our customers also. Alpha’s wide range of stacking church chairs will have the right product for any project and building – listed, new, frequently cleared, historic with or without kneeler storage, book storage and more.
We will of course also offer advice on servicing, floor protection, armchair ratios, linking, cleaning, money saving and more.
To discuss your faculty, get in touch with us today by email to [email protected], or call on 01494 670 600