Many of Alpha’s church seating projects involve the removal of the pews, and it is often a tough decision. Pews often carry more sentimental value than chairs do, for example if somebody has sat on the same pew for their entire life. However, Alpha have helped many churches in this predicament maintain the sentiment of the pews while making way for the flexibility of chairs.
Over many years we have built up some contacts of firms who buy pews and who buy certain old all-wood church chairs also. This list is only one of the many areas of help that Alpha Furniture can offer you for your church seating project.
There are many variables involved in the value of any batch of pews, but of course it’s great to have them used for many more years by someone, turned into cash, or at least collected together on a specific day of choice.
It is often a contentious subject – pews out or not. Many things have to be considered and discussed. The re-use and cost offsetting of any current pews should always be part of early discussions.
Pews can often be repurposed, or have their history kept on display in the church. One church even refashioned their pews into chopping boards!
To speak with one of our experienced sales staff, or book in a free, no obligation site visit, please get in touch on 01494 670 600, or email [email protected]